Beautiful Algorithms

It Must Be Beautiful is a project dedicated to examining and explaining beautiful computer algorithms. Overtime I expect to add explanations for quite a few algorithms hopefully in an interesting and engaging way. The goal is have you – the reader – actually understand how the algorithm works. But that’s not enough – you should also come up away with a sense of a mystery revealed in a beautiful, elegant way.

Why The Title?

Code can often be ugly – truly awful script that makes your eyes bleed. Ugly code makes you hate life. Good code is correct, elegant and performs well. Good code can be deeply satisfying – especially if it solves a hard problem. This site hopes to explain a beautiful algorithm in such a way that you can understand it over a coffee or lunch break.

This project is in its early days. I’m still finding my way. We’ll see how this journey goes…

Where to Now?

Why don’t you start with my series on Dynamic Programming? It’s what I’m working on at the moment.

The first three posts are good to get you going:

  1. Dynamic Programming #1 – An Introduction
  2. Dynamic Programming #2 – An Introduction
  3. Dynamic Programming #3 – An Introduction


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Just the occasional notification that I have written something about a Beautiful Algorithm…
